Popular Travels is Italy’s leading travel
agency committed to the mission of

Creating happy travellers..

Welcome to Popular Travels & Tours, your trusted partner in the world of travel. Since 2002, we have diligently crafted, reshaped, and elevated the very essence of travel experiences. Based in the enchanting city of Rome, Italy, we have become synonymous with reliable and luxurious air ticketing services. As a premier air ticketing company, we take pride in our unwavering commitment to delivering exceptional travel experiences for over two decades.

Your Voice, Our Success!

We are proud to be driven by your reviews, and we pledge to keep listening, learning and evolving to exceed your expectations.









  • We deliver on our promises, ensuring your travel plans are executed flawlessly.
  • We offer competitive prices and exclusive deals to make your travel budget-friendly.
  • We partner with airlines known for their quality and commitment to passenger satisfaction. We simplify your travel planning, saving you time and hassle.
  • By choosing us, you'll find that we excel in simplifying your travel planning, effectively saving you valuable time and sparing you from any unnecessary hassle.

For two decades, Popular Travels has excelled in crafting memorable travel experiences. Our expertise, and customized service have delighted travelers, ensuring competitive prices and unforgettable journeys. we look forward to many more years of excellence.

Our extensive experience has allowed us to develop a deep understanding of the travel industry, enabling us to secure competitive prices for our customers. We take pride in our personalized approach, tailoring each journey to meet the unique preferences and desires of our clients.